SCHUMANN: Mondnacht


"Mondnacht" from Liederkreis, Op. 39, No. 5

by Robert Schumann
arranged for two pianos by Greg Anderson


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"Mondnacht" from Liederkreis, Op. 39, No. 5

by Robert Schumann
arranged for two pianos by Greg Anderson


"Mondnacht" from Liederkreis, Op. 39, No. 5

by Robert Schumann
arranged for two pianos by Greg Anderson



Es war, als hätt’ der Himmel
Die Erde still geküßt,
Daß sie im Blüten-Schimmer
Von ihm nun träumen müßt’.

Die Luft ging durch die Felder,
Die Aehren wogten sacht,
Es rauschten leis die Wälder,
So sternklar war die Nacht.

Und meine Seele spannte
Weit ihre Flügel aus,
Flog durch die stillen Lande,
Als flöge sie nach Haus.

Moonlit Night

It was as though the heavens
Had silently kissed the earth,
Such that in the blossoms’ lustre
She was caught in dreams of them

The wind crossed through the fields,
And swayed the heads of grain
The forest softly rustled
How starry was the night

And my soul spread
Far its wings
And sailed o’er the hushed lands
As if gliding home.

— Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff, 1837, S. 391., translated by K. Winter

When performing this work, we aspire to recreate that strange state of heightened sensation: when a sliver of moonlight is too bright for your eyes, when your lover’s delicate touch is powerfully electric, when a single glance contains infinite meaning…and when the faintest sound exhilarates your ears.

© 2010 Anderson & Roe. All Rights Reserved.

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